How to Create SEO friendly Content How to Create SEO friendly Content

How to Create SEO friendly Content

How do you measure whether a page you created is successful or not? Is it giving you results or not?

The obvious answer is how easily it got ranked on the targeted keywords. In this article, we are ruling out paid campaigns, social media marketing, or any affiliate marketing. Instead, we are focusing simply on the point of organic SEO. The purpose of the content is to

Help in SEO of the Website: You are looking for organic traffic on the targeted keyword. The content helps you in filling the gap in your SEO by targeting new keywords.Help Users: The content aims to help users by answering questions they might be looking for.

Build Followers: People like to follow good websites and even recommend them to others. This helps in your brand building.

Writing SEO-friendly content requires a few additional steps to be taken in mind by the writer while creating content. This is something that should be done while creating the content itself so as not to look misplaced. While the focus should always be on creating meaningful and reading-worthy content, an eye should always be open to the SEO aspect of it. After all the content has to be ranked the first placed on keywords to be seen by users on search engines and read further. So let’s get into small things that go into making SEO-friendly content.

Finalize Your Keywords

Before you have started writing the content, you need to finalize the keywords it will target. There has to be one primary keyword and a few LSI keywords associated with the article. Choose your primary keyword depending on the traffic search and then explore it further to find the LSI ones.

Never go for multiple keywords as it would simply create confusion and will not lead you anywhere.

Research the Topic

Do good research on the topic before you start writing on it to understand all questions it can answer. Break down your topic into small steps with each step answering a problem instead of writing a big monologue.

Remember, users, are looking for specific answers to their problems and are not there simply for a reading habit.

Write Good Content

At the end of everything, it is the content that really matters. A well-researched readable content helps in establishing a lasting bond with the users.

Points to be kept in mind for the content

The bigger the better: Long content gets more traffic and opportunities for backlinks. They can also act as the central pillar of the content strategy.

Use a table of content: this helps users to know the structure of the page easily and proceed further.

Create lists: It helps to convey the information more concisely and also helps in getting ranked in snippets.

Small paragraphs: Divide the article into small paragraphs with each answering a problem

Meta Title

The title of the content should be unique and describe the whole content itself and should not be more than 60 characters. Try to keep the targeted keyword in the title without breaking its integrity.

Choose your title carefully as this is what will trigger emotions in the readers and compel them to click when seeing it in the search result. Result-oriented title or one having a call to action in it goes a long way in making users click on it.

Meta Description

The meta description should be around 140 -160 characters and should be unique to the website. As the name says, it should describe the page in a crisp manner and with the right call to action placed in them. Placed keywords and LSI keywords in them as the


The URL of the page should be as short as possible to help in indexing by search engines. Always keep the URL in lowercase with hyphens to split words instead of the underscore. The URLs are generally on the lines of the title of the page.

The URL should be readable and definitely not sound coming from some other world. It should give a good idea of what the content is all about without even clicking it.


Write good catchy headings, especially for the h1 tag. They should be unique, and possibly have keywords in them. Each heading should be an answer to a specific problem the user will find when they read below.

Including actionable references like how to, top 10, the best way, etc. will help users stay on the page and increase your engagement rates.

Add Images and Avoid iframes

Images improve the aesthetics of the page and tend to retain the users for a longer time on the website. You can use infographics and a checklist to add more value to the content. These images also get indexed by search engines.

Do not forget to optimize your images and alt tags in them.

You can further allow other webmasters to use your images and give a backlink in return to build your off-page SEO.

Videos and Iframes should be avoided on the page as they increase the loading time. The whole purpose of creating the page and writing SEO-friendly content will be lost if the page has a high loading time.

Alt Tags

Alt tags help users use screen readers to understand what the image is about. So, make them relevant instead of just stuffing in your keywords or repeating the headings.

Describe the image properly with good details. This helps search engines to understand your content well.

With these simple steps, you can create SEO-friendly content that helps you get ranked and brings traffic easily. The steps require lots of practice to master and come over time. Observing competition also helps as you get to see what steps they have been taking.

Feel free to use images in our website by simply providing a source link to the page they are taken from.

-- The Public Mag

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